Friday, December 11, 2009


Hi Ladies,

It's been a while! I hope you are all well! I wanted to share this website with you. It is the blog site of a woman who works at Westmont, and I think she has some unique and insightful ways of expressing how to live your life as the person you were created to be.

I hope you enjoy it.

Grace and Peace,


P.S. Over Thanksgiving I got engaged!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Colossians 3:12

This quote has really hit home lately for me. Our pastor said it a couple weeks ago while talking about Compassion in the context of Colossians 3.

"Compassion without action is pity"

uh! so good.

oh, and one of my favorite books that really goes along with this train of thinking is "Under the Overpass". i highly recommend it!