Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I feel like I've been blessed with great friendships over the years. Truly. I've found myself wishing I could still share in fellowship even though I now live far from many of them. This is something that's been on my mind for a few years now.

So, Emily and I had the amazing chance to be a part of a Bible study in Colorado Springs where we got to become good friends. However, this summer we both were moving away from that town and the Bible study. Emily and I were talking one day about ideas of ways to stay connected even though we were both moving to new towns and the idea of the blog formed!

Essentially, this is just intended to be a place to share what God is doing and teaching you in your life. As my old camp director always asked..."Is there anything bubbling out?" If you have something you are just so excited to share that is bubbling out of you, share it here.


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